Part I: Open Discussion
- Read the blog of the person following your name on the ENG 701 blog roll.
- Post a thoughtful response
- Read and respond to someone eles’s if you have time.
- Class discussion
Allen –
- Yancey – more relevant to today, different ways of writing
- Technology emerging issue, more accessible by non-student
- Who is the audience for Jurzwik et al. and whole field of composition studies
- Arose because of problem with literacy and there still exists a problem
- Yancey’s new modes of writing “hot topic”
- Adams Sherman Hill – over 100 years ago, but still dealing with same problems today
- Didn’t like Yancey – delivery was too experimental, bandwagon-y
- Traditional print literacy vs. new media literacy
Part II: Histories, Problems, and Methodologies
- Do a binary comparison the “old” American college to the “new” research university, including how writing instruction faired in both systems.
- Identify the main elements of the Harvard model of composition? (curriculum, philosophy, leaders…)
- What are some alternative models?
- What is the rationale for English A given by Hill?
- What is the significance of Hill’s piece to the history of composition studies?
- What is the "domain" of composition studies?
- Development of literacy, teaching of writing
- Symbolic interaction, written discourse
- Core vs. margin
- What are the areas of research in the field of rhetoric and composition?
- What are the research methodologies used in composition studies?
- What larger intellectual movements influenced composition research?
- What is unique about composition studies?
- What is the relationship of composition to literature and English departments?
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