Course blog for ENG 701, Composition Theory, Dr. Jeffrey Jablonski, UNLV Dept. of English, Spring 2010

Monday, April 7, 2008

4-7 Class

We'll spend some time today discussing the readings. I thought this week's Johnson-Eilola and Selber article was interesting in terms of its method: theory building, what we call "re-articulating" concepts for new understanding. I thought their essay as "assemblage" had a lot to do with the shift in thinking of writing as design, which subsequently took their thinking and reading to new fields that "composition is beginning to pay attention to," like web design and architecture, even popular culture (remixing music).

To the extent that people want to, we can also discuss the website project as well as the proposal project. I added a section called "website tutorial" in webcampus that contains a PDF file and a flash movie that I use in my ENG 406B, electronic documents course. It contains information about creating a basic page using Dreamweaver and publishing it using a free web hosting service. You can follow this approach or us your Rebel Mail account to publish your site.

Your research paper proposals are due next week, in print form, sent to my university e-mail, although you'd be welcome to post a version on your blog for comments.

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