Course blog for ENG 701, Composition Theory, Dr. Jeffrey Jablonski, UNLV Dept. of English, Spring 2010

Monday, January 28, 2008


If you're reading this, you are probably sitting in CBC C321 on the UNLV campus. I'm sitting in front of you. You're maybe half excited, half tired, half wondering why you're taking this course. Hopefully, I'll answer any questions you have, and you may decide to stay.

After discussing the course and syllabus, we'll spend some time reading and discussing some recent news stories related to writing. The readings can be found at the course's reading list.

According to the reading list, texts for the course on a given week can be found in one of three places:

  1. Required textbook, Cross-Talk in Comp Theory by Victor Villanueva (2nd ed)
  2. Webcampus site for ENG 701
  3. Library E-reserves (this may not be set up yet)

For next week's class, you'll need to do the following

  1. Pick up or order 2nd edition of Cross-Talk
  2. Read the articles for 2/4 (three are in webcampus, one is online)
  3. Choose a blog service and create your blog
  4. Write your ~1,000-word reflection and post it to your blog before the start of class next Monday
  5. Post the URL of your blog in Webcampus

-Dr J